While Speaking at #tedxtalk , #Foxhog CEO #tarunpoddar says, ” I am overconfident about my company, product and services, and I am a self-obsessed person in regards of my company and its Services. While addressing at #tedxtalk he shared his struggle story and how he reached to be India’s finest venture capitalist. #tarunpoddar also shared his Stanford experience and talked about the potential opportunities in …
While Speaking at #tedxtalk , #Foxhog CEO #tarunpoddar says, ” I am overconfident about my company, product and services, and I am a self-obsessed person in regards of my company and its Services. While addressing at #tedxtalk he shared his struggle story and how he reached to be India’s finest venture capitalist. #tarunpoddar also shared his Stanford experience and talked about the potential opportunities in rural areas of our country.
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